

Let's get your nation’s e-learning journey moving faster

For several years, ApplianSys has joined you at EWF, to offer you a small piece of the pillars you are assembling to transform national education outcomes. We can fix The Connectivity Problem.

This year, we are delighted to present – in addition – a further piece. Intel asked us to help them combine their innovative technology with ours. We invite you to look at the fruit of this collaboration and consider its impact – a potential strategic breakthrough - on your Student Device pillar.

Connected Education Kit

You can now provision your nation’s schools with full-spec PCs – which will enable curriculum for advanced digital skills in your PC labs now - at a fraction of the cost, and without waiting many years for the IT Technician pillar to see trained people in every school.

Intel and ApplianSys are Lead Partners in N50, the alliance aimed at closing the global digital divide. Several N50 third sector funding partners are already onboard and ready to back large pilot roll-outs.

So decisions on this can be quick – and you can achieve real momentum now for today’s students, not just tomorrow’s.

Fixing Connectivity

For over 20 years, ApplianSys’ unique caching solutions have fixed The Connectivity Problem that slows progress on the E-Learning journey for nations worldwide. With sufficient connectivity throughout the journey, all other strands become quicker and easier to implement.

History has shown that relying on bandwidth alone is a mistake. Our fix enables viable connectivity to be maintained sustainably throughout your nation’s journey – cutting the total lifetime connectivity cost to the nation by up to half.

Digital transformation is a strategic issue of national importance. Yet, year after year, we speak to ministers and keep seeing the same persistent blockers. We want to help fix that.