Project Management for Social Good®
The world runs on projects – everyday life projects like planning and planting a garden, school projects like devising and performing experiments for a science fair project, and work-world projects like designing and building a bridge or developing and delivering a community program to reduce energy use. Managing and leading projects are essential life skills, learning skills, and career skills.
~ PMIEF, 2014
The PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) is the 501(c)(3) charitable arm of the Project Management Institute (PMI), the world's leading not-for-profit professional membership association for the project, program, and portfolio management profession. Founded in 1990, PMIEF develops, implements, and globally delivers innovative resources to leverage project management for social good. One of PMIEF’s goals is to build both an awareness of the value of project management in education and to provide the training, mentoring, and resources needed to build project management/project-based learning programs in primary and secondary schools.
PMIEF provides resources and support for youth and teachers to learn and develop project management skills to make all projects more effective, productive, and engaging. It’s about helping youth become “project-ready” for the demands of our time because they are able to think critically, create a plan, communicate, organize, collaborate, be creative…and make change happen for everyone’s good. We provide:
Training guides in multiple languages to assist K-12 educators in teaching through projects;
Grant opportunities for organizations that wish to integrate project management into project-based learning;
Scholarships for project management related coursework for professionals and college/university students; and
Educational support for project management learning initiatives in K-12 schools and non-profit organizations.
For additional information, visit or to discuss how we can work with you to change the way children learn, live, and plan for the future through the knowledge and application of project management, email to make an appointment at the Education World Forum.
Understanding how projects work and how to effectively support, manage, and lead a variety of learning projects enables teachers and students to focus more on each student’s learning goals and get the most out of each and every project for each and every learner.
~ PMIEF, 2013