David Aaronovitch

David Aaranovitch

Forum Moderator

The presenter of BBC Radio 4’s weekly current affairs programme, The Briefing Room, David is a writer, broadcaster and commentator on culture, international affairs, politics and the media. A former television researcher, producer and programme editor, he has previously written for The Independent, The Guardian, The Observer and The Times winning numerous accolades, including Columnist of the Year and the Orwell prize for journalism. After starting his career at BBC news in the 1980s, David first presented the analytical show Think Tank for BBC1 and then went on to write and present a film biography of the early lives of John Major and Tony Blair. In 2009 he published Voodoo Histories, a book on the history and attraction of conspiracy theories and in 2015 Party Animals, an account of his parents’ life in the British Communist Party. David has a BA (Hons) in History from the University of Manchester and holds an honorary doctorate also from Manchester.

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