Felicity Gillespie Director Kindred2

Felicity Gillespie

Director, Kindred2

Felicity Gillespie is the Director of Kindred2, a not-for-profit grant-making organisation focused on improving the quality of early childhood development. She has been an Education Advisor to the UK Department for Education since 2011, working with officials and ministers in Labour, coalition and Conservative administrations. Previously Felicity was the founding Executive Director of the Broadcast Training and Skills Regulator and The National Teaching Awards. Other roles include the education and training advisor at the Confederation of British Industry where she was the UK representative on EU education and training programme boards. A former Associate of the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit and of the National College of School Leadership, Felicity has served as a national judge of the UK National Training Awards on many occasions and speaks on the British education system at conferences and seminars in the USA, Middle East and UK.

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