Hon Dr John Chrysostom Muyingo Minister of State for Higher Education Uganda 2

Hon Dr John Chrysostom Muyingo

State Minister for Higher Education, Uganda

Hon Dr John Chrysostom Muyingo served as a Member of Uganda’s Cabinet in the capacity of State Minister for Primary Education from 2015-2016. Previously he served as the State Minister for Higher Education from 2011 to 2015 and was reappointed to this position in 2016 and 2021. He is a seasoned educator, who began his career as a secondary school chemistry and mathematics teacher. He has been a Director of studies, a head teacher and is known for moving to schools in challenging situations and leaving behind transformed institutions. Dr Muyingo’s successes in addressing and resolving these situations is well known. Dr Muyingo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education, a Master of Arts in Education, a Master of Arts in Educational management and a Doctor of Philosophy, all from Makerere University.

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