Mustafa Canli Photo 1

Mustafa Canli

Director General of Innovation and Educational Technologies, Ministry of National Education, Guinea

Mustafa Canli is currently Director General of Innovation and Educational Technologies at the Ministry of National Education, he manages Türkiye's largest public IT project, the FATIH project, and its components such as the Education Information Network (EBA). He specialised in product supply chain management, international finance and project management. He has managed many national and international IT projects in Türkiye. He has also contributed to the improvement of the software industry, cyber security and IT services and the development of the sector in this field. He received his bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Middle East Technical University. He completed his master's degree in information systems and business administration at Northeastern University, USA. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Political Science and Public Administration at Hacı Bayram Veli University.

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