P3 Paige Johnston Biopic

Paige Johnson

VP Education, Microsoft

Paige Johnson is the Vice President of Education for Microsoft. Prior to this, she was the CEO of EdCatalyst Group where she helped organisations design programs and products to improve education and learning. Previously, as the Education Strategist for Amazon Web Services, she promoted the newest advances in cloud computing and data analytics to create more effective learning environments. Before she joined AWS, she was the Education Strategist for Intel Corporation, where she collaborated with school systems around the world to determine their needs, issues, and resources and used this information to help them build effective solutions to improve outcomes. Across her entire career she engaged with partners and influencers to ensure scalability and sustainability of educational offerings. She was a Steering Committee Member for the NAEP Assessment Governing Board of Technological Literacy Assessment and a Board Member and Chair of the Board at the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. She has a Bachelor of Science from Willamette University and a Master’s in Science Education at Portland State University.

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